1.01 Planned Unit development
Wedgefield Plantation is a private residential development designed as a Planned Unit Development (PUD), which has been approved by the Georgetown County Planning Commission and the Georgetown County Council. The Planned Unit Development provides a comprehensive plan for the overall development of Wedgefield Plantation.
1.02 Administration
The Wedgefield Plantation Association (WPA) has created an Architectural Review Committee (ARC). The ARC may establish such rules, regulations, procedures, guidelines and reasonable fees as are necessary to achieve its purpose and objectives.
1.03 Purpose of the Wedgefield Plantation Architectural Review Committee
1.04 Objectives:
The architectural and design approval process is directed toward attaining the following objectives:
1.04.01 Preventing indiscriminate, excessive, or unsightly earth moving or clearing of property. Removal of trees and vegetation which could cause disruption to natural water course or destruction of natural landforms. “See Section 5.03.”
1.04.02 Ensuring that the location and configuration of structures are visually harmonious with the terrain and vegetation of the surrounding properties and structures.
1.04.03 Ensuring that the architectural design of structures and their materials and colors are visually harmonious with Wedgefield Plantation’s overall appearance, history, and cultural heritage, with surrounding development, natural landforms, native vegetation and with development plans.
1.04.04 Ensuring that any development, structure, building, or landscape complies with the provisions of this document.
1.05 Architectural Review Committee Jurisdiction:
In order to accomplish its purpose, the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions state that no building, wall, fence, deck, walkway, driveway, or any other structure shall be erected or placed until the building plans, specifications, exterior colors and finish, plot plan (showing the proposed location and elevation of said structure, fence, deck, walkway, drives, and parking area), have been approved in writing by the ARC of the WPA which designates via By-Laws the ARC as its sole agent. (The WPA is actually the body approving plans).
Written approval shall also be required for any addition, alteration, or renovation to any existing building or structure if said addition, renovation, or alteration will change the exterior appearance of the building or structure.
Appeal Process:
Any property owner who has had plans denied by the ARC may appeal the ARC decision within fourteen (14) calendar days of denial. A legibly written statement explaining why the ARC should approve the submitted plans will be sent to the ARC. The ARC then reviews the statement and either amends or upholds its decision, within fourteen (14) calendar days, with an explanation. If the ARC does not amend its decision and the applicant refuses to change the plans, the applicant may request in writing, that the plans, ARC decision, written statement, and ARC explanation be forwarded to the Legal Committee. The Legal Committee will review these documents to see if the ARC violated the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCRs), federal, state or local regulations, ARC guidelines, or By-Laws. If no ARC violation is found, the Legal Committee shall refer the appeal to the full board for a final decision. If the Legal Committee finds a violation, it is reported to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors then instructs the ARC to amend its decision.
In addition, written approval shall also be required prior to any land clearing, tree removal, grading, dirt removal or addition, or drainage work to any property in the Plantation. “See Section 5.03”
1.06 Architectural Design Concept:
It is the intent of the architectural review process and these architectural guidelines to promote and encourage the building of harmonious individual architectural structures that, when viewed together, produce a harmonious overall community environment. Therefore, each building should be treated, not as an individual creation or architectural entity within itself, but rather as a carefully planned addition to the total development.
At the present time no particular period, style, influence, or historical approach is specifically required at Wedgefield. The ARC does encourage design that is in keeping with the history and cultural heritage of the area as well as the present day appearance of Wedgefield. Most importantly, homes at Wedgefield should convey a feeling of permanence and endurance. Vacation type design and construction should be avoided. Elements that are encouraged are the use of exterior materials that are indigenous to this area and colors that are subdued or muted (as opposed to stark). Styles that are discouraged are designs with low flat pitched roofs.
Terms such as “good taste” and “sound design” are difficult to describe. The ARC simply seeks to control the proper integration and correlation of the various architectural elements that are being proposed by the design professional or owner for each structure.
The owner and architect should visit Wedgefield prior to beginning the design process. While at Wedgefield, they should visit the building site and observe other homes in the area as well as the overall Wedgefield environment. A member of the ARC can meet with the owner or architect at this time with proper advanced notice.
1.07 Disclaimer:
No approval of plans, location, or specifications by the ARC and no publication of architectural standards or guidelines shall be construed as representing or implying that such plans, specifications, or standards will, if followed, result in a properly designed or constructed residence complying with the Georgetown County Building and Zoning regulations.
2.01 Process Steps:
In order to provide a uniform and systematic review of all proposal designs, plans and construction at Wedgefield, the following sequence has been established:
2.01.1 Record retention for ARC Applications and related Associations Documents will be five years. (Rev. 3/19/19)
2.02 Licensed and Approved Designers, Engineers, and Builders:
To ensure that Wedgefield Plantation maintains a high quality of design, all plans for the construction of dwellings and other buildings or structures at Wedgefield must be designed or drawn by an architect, designer, engineer, or builder, or the owner. Structural engineering, if required, must be completed by a licensed/certified structural engineer.
2.03 Pre-Application Research:
The Owner should select his or her designer, architect, engineer and/or builder, and it shall be the responsibility of the Owner to acquaint the building team with the ARC process and design guidelines. The design, construction and other building team members are encouraged to visit Wedgefield for an onsite tour of existing structures prior to beginning the plans. In so doing, the design team can creatively design or choose the dwelling in a compatible manner with the overall goals of the ARC. A member of the ARC can be made available upon request for an initial conference with the design team to explain the guidelines and concepts.
It is also advisable that the Owner obtain a topographic survey of the lot as soon as possible in order that the design team can make a proper site evaluation in accordance with the site planning guidelines that are part of the ARC procedures.
2.04 Conceptual Design and Layout Review: (optional)
In order to facilitate the approval process, the design team may prepare an informal conceptual sketch or photograph of the proposed building design and site layout to the ARC for their general comments and suggestions. The Boards representative will either make recommendations, or encourage the design team to the next step of the approval process.
Refusal or approval of plans, location or specifications may be based upon any grounds, including purely aesthetic considerations which the ARC in its sole and absolute discretion shall deem sufficient.
2.05 Application Submittal and Review Fee Payment:
An “Application for Architectural Review” (Appendix III-3) form must be completed and submitted by the Owner or his or her agent to the ARC before the commencement of any construction activity of any type. This application must be accompanied by payment of all fees (refundable and non-refundable) per the outline below after a final inspection:
2.05.01 Single Family Residence fee consisting of: *(Rev. 7/20/21)(Rev. 5/17/22)
TOTAL FEES: $10,000.00
2.05.02 Other construction requiring use of heavy construction equipment or supplies that may cause damage to the roads. This includes, but not limited to, heavy equipment, concrete trucks, tractor trailers with shingles or sod and large tree removal. (Rev. 7/16/24)
TOTAL FEES: $1,500.00
2.05.03 Other construction including, but not limited to, modification, sheds, decks, fences, non-concrete patios, re-siding, etc, and small tree removal.
(Rev. 7/16/24) (Appendix III-8)
TOTAL FEES: $300.00
2.05.04 The following projects do not require deposits, but do require ARC approval: exterior color change, satellite equipment, irrigation well, pet area w/o pad, recreational equipment w/o pad, and small tree removal no larger than 8” in diameter four feet from grade (not lot clearing). (Rev. 5/21/13) (Rev. 7/18/17)
Note: The above fees are subject to change with proper notice. Fees for plans not approved shall be refunded.
The above deposits will be held by the Association and will be refunded at the final inspection period less any penalties for noncompliance, damages, and/or implementation not being in conformance to the plans set forth in the approval and permits issued by the ARC. A portion of the landscaping must have been completed prior to the refundable deposit being authorized. Landscaping: Grass (either sod or grass seed that has matured to two inches in height) in the front and side yards and 25 feet of the rear yard or to the property line, whichever is the shortest distance, and plants around the house foundation. The non-refundable deposits will be utilized by the Association for maintenance and other association costs.
Trash refers to any building materials or construction waste, which is unsightly or scattered both on and off the construction site. Damage refers to any damage to the roadways, natural areas, drainage pipes and ditches, or plants in the plantation, as well as those of the adjoining properties whether they are developed or not.
The Owner or agent should include all requested information and payment of fees and deliver them to the ARC or its agent.
2.05.05 Variance:
The ARC may occasionally grant a variance from the requirements of the ARC rules, regulations, procedures, and guidelines. Any property owner may submit a written request of a variance from the requirements for their project. See appendix III-9. The requested variance will include the following information:
An explanation as to why the application of the ARC rules, regulations, procedures, and guidelines on this particular project would create an unnecessary hardship for the property owner.
The ARC will consider each variance on a case by case basis and the approval of any variance will not constitute a precedent.
2.06 Design Review and Approval Process:
Prior to the approval of the application, a review of the Owner’s plan and submittals will be conducted to determine the compliance with the design requirements of the ARC.
No approvals shall be issued to any property owner/builder if there are: unpaid fees or fines, an existing Stop Work Order, or any ARC violations.
The Owner or agent should furnish two (2) sets of the required plan documents to the ARC, prior to any on-site work commencing. After the plans have been reviewed by the ARC, the owner/agent will be notified and one set of the plans returned to him with the ARC comments if needed. The ARC will retain the second set of plans until the ARC final inspection is completed and satisfactory. Only after the ARC final inspection is complete, the Certificate of Occupancy request may be submitted to the County.
The plan documents shall include the following:
2.06.01 A site plot plan drawn to scale not smaller than 1”= 20’ which shows the following:
2.06.02 Elevation drawings, which show the following:
Note: Submit any and all color renderings, samples, photographs, or models that may be available.
2.06.03 Floor plan drawings, which show the following:
Note: The design team is to verify to the ARC that the minimum required square footage (1500 sq. ft.) of the dwelling has been met by calculating the enclosed living area lying above the “100-year flood elevation” as established by the Georgetown County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance.
Minimum Square Footage: All new home construction in Wedgefield Plantation according to our original Covenants & Restrictions, will have a minimum of 1500 square feet heated floor space. The lone exception to this requirement shall be a heated minimum of 1200 square feet for a single-family home constructed on the following: Robert Conway Lots 1-8 and 55-60 and Daniel Morrall Lots 37-55. The justification for this exception is outlined in a letter from the Crosby Law Firm, LLC dated 4/20/18, subject Non-conforming home size in the “patio home area”. A copy is on file in the HOA Office. (Rev. 10/20/20).
The ARC recommends new construction at (1875 HSF). This recommendation is in keeping with past trends. Most new homes approved and constructed in the past several years have been larger than the minimum stated. The minimum square footage stated does not include areas such as garage, deck, patio or attic.
Please note that the construction of all approved structures must be completed within one year after the start of actual construction. Actual construction must commence within six (6) months of the issuance of the permit. Extensions may be issued with proper ARC approval.
Plans submitted for review approval, or any portion thereof may be disapproved upon any grounds, which are consistent with the purpose or objectives of the ARC, including purely aesthetic considerations.
2.07 Stakeout Inspection:
At any time after being notified by the ARC of the approval of the site plan and proposed dwelling, stakeout of the lot shall be undertaken as follows:
2.08 Inspection of the Property
The right to enter into and upon the construction site is specifically reserved by the ARC and/or its agents and representatives to visit all or any portion of the Owner’s property for the purpose of verifying compliance with the requirements of the ARC and the approved submittals and permits. The ARC will notify the Owner and/or their agents by mail of any fault found in the inspection of the property that does not comply. The Owner and/or agents will notify the ARC of the final stage of construction that will allow for a final inspection of the property. After WPA Final Acceptance is complete the Owner or agent will notify the local building inspector for Georgetown County in order that the county may conduct its final inspection and issue the necessary Certificate of Occupancy to the applicant. Refundable deposit is issued after Final Acceptance by ARC and a Certificate of Occupancy is obtained from the county.
2.09 Future Improvement Review:
Any modification, improvement, addition or upgrade of any existing structure which changes the foot print of the structure must be submitted to the ARC for approval. A request for approval must contain the following:
3.01 Site Evaluation:
The positioning of a dwelling is a critical and important decision. The site plan concept should reflect functional needs as well as the site’s characteristics. With regards to proper positioning of the structure on the lot, the ARC offers some of the following considerations and recommendations:
3.02 Building Setbacks:
The following setbacks apply to Wedgefield Plantation except as follows:
465 Single Family Residential Lots:
Affiliated Streets:
The Arbors: Lots 1 to 27
Affiliated streets:
The Enclave: Lots 434 to 501 and lots 454 to 482
Affiliated streets:
The Village: 40 Lots
Affiliated streets:
Wedgefield-Dragoon/Goelet Courts: 24 Lots
Affiliated streets:
3.03 Site Grading and Clearing
3.03.01 Drainage considerations for individual sites are important and, therefore, should be kept to a minimum, and alteration to any existing drainage is prohibited without prior approval of the ARC.
3.03.02 Water runoff should be directed to existing natural swales or other natural drainage areas or to storm drainage facilities.
Roads to remain clear of runoff, dirt, and mud.
4.01 Building Height: (35 ft. Max)
The maximum overall mean roof height permitted for single-family homes, measured from the lowest point of the existing or proposed foundation or slab to the mean roof height. Where applicable, a cupola, dome, widow’s walk, elevator shaft, or other similar feature, excluding chimneys, shall be as follows:
Mean roof height measurement is taken from the point located between the highest point and the adjacent eave or overhang.
Outside flood zones “A”, “AE”, or “V”
Thirty-five feet (35) except in flood zones “A”, “AE”, or “V” as shown on the FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map)
Inside flood zones “A”, “AE” or “V”
Forty-five feet (45) in flood zones “A”, “AE” or “V”.
All single-family residences and other structures must be constructed and conform to applicable Federal Flood Zone regulations for the minimum finished floor elevations. These elevations vary throughout Wedgefield Plantation and are established by the FIRM. The owner’s design and building teams should be thoroughly familiar with these requirements prior to commencing with the design and construction of the house.
Certain Canal properties and Golf Course properties may require various first floor living elevations, depending upon the specific lot location. It is the responsibility of the owner to determine the necessary elevation required for the specific building site.
Refer to Georgetown County Code, Article III, 319 and Exception to Height in Velocity Flood Zones. Georgetown County Code Article VIII, 806.
4.02 Exterior Building Standards and Other Improvements:
4.02.01 Antennas/Satellite Dishes:
Antennas and satellite dishes larger than one (1) meter (39.36 inches) in diameter are not allowed in Wedgefield Plantation. When satellite dishes are approved they must conform to the required setbacks.
External towers, radio, television, and other telecommunications antennas shall be prohibited in the plantation except that ham radio antennas may be permitted that are physically attached to the rear of the dwelling and do not exceed 25 feet in height. (Rev.12/17/19) (Rev.1/21/20)
Boat houses will require a “Single Family Residence” Fee ($10,000.00). See paragraph 2.05. (Appendices III-3,4,& 5)
Chimneys: Capping of prefabricated chimneys must be shielded with the use of architectural devices.
Color and Color Schemes: Color samples of exterior surfaces are required in all cases. Wood tones and blends are encouraged. Stark vivid colors may be cause for rejection.
Decks/Porches/Patios: Decks, porches, and patios are recommended. When deciding where to place your deck, porch, or patio, keep in mind your own privacy and that of your neighbors. Be sure not to encroach on the required setback lines.
Docks and Bulkheads require an ARC application. See Appendix III-9.
Fences: Fences may be permitted in rear yards only. Plans must fully comply with the Architectural Design Process. Plans must be signed by the owner/agent. The fence must begin in a visual line at or behind the most rear line of the house or as necessary based on house design. Any approved fence or fence corner must be at least (1) one foot from the nearest Wedgefield Country Club property line so as not to encumber Country club activities. Any approved fence must be inside the side and rear of the property lines. Fences shall not exceed (4) four feet in height and shall be of such construction and material to be an extension of the architectural style of the house. Fences shall be of “see-through” design such as chain link or picket.
Deer Fences: When electric fences are used, consideration of neighbors is paramount. Installation of electrical fencing is a liability issue and the owner assumes total responsibility.
Pet Areas: (Dog kennels) must comply with the Architectural Design Process and must not be larger than (6’) feet high and (20’) feet X (20’) feet. Offensive or view restrictive materials may not be used. Pet areas must comply with all setback requirements.
Drives/Curb Cuts: All residents shall have concrete, paved, or stoned driveways no closer than (1) one foot to any side property line at existing grade. In cases of property plat restrictions the owner/agent must present a site plan to the ARC showing the length of the driveway that is closer than (1) one foot to the property line. This distance must be kept to the absolute minimum. The ARC encourages the use of only one curb (in/out) per lot to avoid the appearance of overcrowding. Driveways may require a drainage pipe which must be determined prior to construction and must be reviewed by the Drainage Committee.
Foundation Treatment: Foundation skirting: If a house is to be constructed on a slab or crawl space that is not brick veneer, the skirting should be either brick or stucco.
Due to flood elevation standards, habitable living areas generally are required to be elevated above grade. The exterior design shall be such that the building’s support structure’s exterior finish is architecturally compatible with the rest of the house. If lattice or louvers are used, the material must be wood, composite, or heavy vinyl where the slats used in the construction of the lattice are at least ¼” thick.
Garages: The design of side loading garages is recommended and should be to the same side or facing the neighbors’ garage. No carports, boat sheds, or lean-tos are to be constructed.
Lighting: Lighting can be provided for a safe approach to the dwelling. Lighting sources should be concealed and light levels kept to a minimum so as not to infringe on neighboring properties.
Mail Boxes: Mailboxes should not be an architectural statement. The opening end of the mailbox (not post) must be at least 1’ – 0” off the edge of the pavement and the bottom of the mailbox must be a minimum of 42 inches above the ground and not more than 56 inches high. “The US POST OFFICE requests the mailbox to be as far off the street as possible so the carrier can get his/her vehicle out of the traffic.”
Materials – Siding/Exterior: Substantial natural materials are encouraged. Pressboard, hardboard, or composition board may be cause for rejection.
Parking Area: Driveways should provide adequate off-street parking for one car per bedroom.
Pools, Outside Spas, Saunas: The proposed area must be properly concealed, with the proper setbacks, and must be part of the overall home plan and design. No above-ground swimming pools are permitted. Temporary children’s pools are permitted, provided the pool does not exceed 8 feet in diameter or 18 inches deep.
Recreational Equipment: Swing sets, other playground types of equipment, outdoor gyms, materials, and location must be submitted for approval. Recreational equipment must comply with all setback requirements. Recreational equipment must not be placed in the front yard.
Shingles: If used, textured or relief type shingles are required. Samples must be submitted for approval.
Roof Pitch: Wedgefield recommends primary roof pitches between 6/12 and 12/12. Anything else must be approved.
Service, Utility, and Storage Areas: All areas of this type must be properly concealed or screened from view.
Storage Sheds: All sheds will be held to the following restrictions:
Maximum external area may not exceed 180 square feet provided:
Tennis Courts/Pickleball Courts: Private tennis/pickleball courts are not allowed at Wedgefield.
Windows: Quality and finish/color of windows are considered to be an element of architecture. Therefore, they must be compatible with the quality and appearance of the dwelling.
5.01 Irrigation Wells:
Shallow wells are encouraged for irrigation purposes. The irrigation system should be separate from the potable or county water system. If the two will be tied together, it is the responsibility of the Owner to follow all State and Local codes that apply. Deep wells (100+ feet) are not permitted.
5.02 Landscaping:
Landscaping: Grass (either sod or grass seed that has matured to two inches in height) in the front and side yards and 25 feet of the rear yard or to the property line, whichever is the shortest distance, and plants around the house foundation.
Wedgefield Plantation was planned utilizing the natural elements of the plantation as much as possible. There are no strict standards of design and implementation for landscaping; the ARC requires that a conceptual plan be submitted. Appendix III-3.
See list of recommended landscape plants, paragraph 7.0 of this Section.
5.03 Tree Removal:
The following guidelines are for lot clearing. Any hardwood tree (8) eight inches in diameter or larger, measured at breast height (DBH is approximately 54 fifty-four inches above grade) that is outside the house footprint or driveway/sidewalk or that is outside an area that is within 10’ of the foundation must be approved by the ARC for removal. The ARC adheres to the Georgetown County Tree Ordinance. (Rev. 5/21/13).
5.04 Bank Stabilization:
All activities related to the waterways of Wedgefield Plantation must comply with Federal, State, and County regulations. Many of the activities associated with the waterways may be governed by the Nationwide Permit NWP 27. All necessary permits are the responsibility of the property owner. Notification, application and required approval must be provided to the ARC prior to commencement of work. See Appendix III-9.
Bank stabilization activities necessary for erosion prevention provided:
5.05 Notification:
The permittee must submit a pre-construction notification to the district engineer prior to commencing the activity if the bank stabilization activity: (1) involves discharges into special aquatic sites; (2) is in excess of 500 feet in length; or (3) will involve the discharge of greater than an average of one cubic yard per running foot along the bank below the plane of the ordinary high water mark or the high tide line. (See general condition NWP 27, Sections 10 and 404.)
Bank stabilization activities in excess of 500 feet in length or greater than an average of one cubic yard per running foot may be authorized if the permittee notifies the district engineer in accordance with the “Notification” general condition and the district engineer determines the activity complies with the other terms and conditions of the nationwide permit and the adverse environmental impacts are minimal both individually and cumulatively.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
6.01 Enforcement, Penalties and Fines (Rev. 5/17/22) :
The following is a schedule of fines that may be levied when a property owner, prime contractor or subcontractor violates the Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CCRs) or ARC regulations. Fines will be deducted from the refundable portion of the deposit or assessed to the property owner. Failure to comply with Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CCRs) or ARC regulations may result in withdrawal of Wedgefield Building Permit and suspension of all work.
Failure to comply with all ARC Rules and Policies will require fees to be paid upon notice of violation. Failure to pay will result in a STOP WORK ORDER being issued and suspension of building permit.
Botanical Names/Common Names
Quercus Virginiana/Live Oak
Magnolia Grandiflora/Southern Magnolia
Liriodendron Tulipifera/Tulip Tree
Quercus Falcata/Red Oak
Quercus Michauxii/Cow Oak
Acer Rubraurm “Drummondii”/Swamp Red Maple
Taxodium Distichum/Cypress
Cornus Florida/Dogwood
Lagerstroemia Indica/Crepe Myrtle
Malus Augustifolia/Crab Apple
Pyrus Calleryana “Bradford”/Bradford Pear
Prunus Caroliniana/Cherry Laurel
Ilex Opaca/American Holly
Cercis Canadensis/Red Bud
Betula Nigra/River Birch
Magnolia Virginiana/Sweet Magnolia
Pinus Taeda/Loblolly Pine
Pinus Palustris/Long Leaf Pine
Pinus Thunbergii/Japanese Black Pine
Taxodium Distichum/Bald Cypress
Camellia Japonica/Camellia
Camellia Sasanqua/Sasanqua Camellia
Spirea Cantonienis/Reeve’s Spirea
Myrica Cerifera/Wax Myrtle
Ligustrum Japonicum/Wax Leaf
Gardenia Jasminoides/Gardenia
Azalea Caenscens/Wild Azalea
Elaeagnus Pungens/Elaeagnus
Sabal Minor/Dwarf Palmetto
Hydrangea Quercifolia/Oakleaf Hydrangea
Botanical Names/Common Names
Liriope Muscari/Lily Turf
Trachelospermum Asiaticum/Asian Jasmin
Hedera Helix/English Ivy
Hedera Canariensis/Algerian Ivy
Vinca Major/Vinca
Aspidistra Elatior/Aspidistra
Dyopteris ssp./Wood Fern
Hemerocallis Fulva/Daylily
Gelsemium Sempervirens/Carolina Yellow Jasmin
Fiscus Pumila/Fig Vine
Rose Banksias/Lady Banksias Rose
Trachelospermum Jasminoides/Confederate Jasmine
Wisteria Sinensis/Wisteria